Read these 25 Making Money Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Folk Art tips and hundreds of other topics.
Offer to deliver your customers order a little earlier or a little later than your regular schedule. It may throw you off track temporarily but a customer in a pinch will remember you for going out of your way for them.
Here is an easy-to-use targeted way of selling your old books, your painted items, your patterns, your UFO's! Go to and post your ads for free! Give it a try!
Ask your current customers for new customers. Offer them another product or extra lesson if they know of someone that may be interested in your products or lessons. Also offer the current customer a discount on their next order if they find you a new customer that buys from you. You could offer a small gift insted of a discount.
Offer your customers a Buyers Club. For instance if they buy 10 of one item from you over a period of time, give them 1 free. Make up index cards for them and for you to keep track of their sales.
If you can't photograph your work indoors and want to take heed of the fact that white can be too glaring a background for your piece, try different coloured fabrics.
Invest in a mail out every quarter rather than expensive magazine and
newspaper ads as your base of names and addresses grows. After 18 months
mine has grown from about 20 to 220. In this small area that is a lot. Don't
forget this 220 have friends and family too.
I get a chair and put it up on a table and the a cream or white cloth or sheet and drape it over the table. I prop the pieces against the chair legs. I photograph indoors with either the SLR or digital camera set on the tripod. both can be set to take photos without the flash. I put the cameras on a tripod to hold them steady and then us a button extension to take the know the funny bit of a lead that use see professionals use. This way I don't move the camera when I snap.
Advertise in school newsletters...make painting sound like just the thing for mums with a few hours up their sleeve a week - cheap presents, rewarding experiences etc
Ask everyone you know to buy from you. Don't leave anyone out. The one person you don't ask may be your best customer.
Run a couple of free demo's during the year. Use shows, community gatherings or just do them in the shop. Don't demonstrate anything fancy - work on the simple things that would show anyone could do this!
Employ helpers if your business gets too much for you to handle. Find people that do not want to be "in sales" Themselves but ones that are willing to help you. Offer them a small discount off of their own order each time they get you orders, or offer them lesson time. I have a helper who stocktakes, demonstrates and does housework! It works for us!
Highlight what you have that other places don't have - small classes, specialist services and supplies.
Always keep a current book, paper, and a pen by the phone for those called in or last minute orders.
If you have a customer that is buying something from one category and you have a great offer in another totally different category, make sure you mention it to them. They may not even realize that you have other products. Lets say they want a they have the right brushes?
Offer your customers a payment plan if it is feasible. They will often spend more if they can break up the payments. Your initial profit may suffer but it will pay off in the long run. Your customers will love it and you!
Get out to the local shool fairs and fetes and have a demo stand and day.
Stick your mailing list right out the front there.
Always keep your eyes open for new customers on your neighbors, new businesses etc. Start watching as soon as the for sale signs go up or they new walls go up! Soon as new people are there, give them a flyer.
Make sure that you are selling something that you believe in. If you do not have confidence in your product and yourself, you will not be successful in sales of that product.
Be sure to stay on top of the latest through the magazines - put the newest books and products and ideas right out there in front - tell your customers/students about them. Oh - have you seen.....? I have sold extra books this week just by having them in class - Look at the latest books that came through. This one I really like...check it out! I did the same with new wood pieces. This is a 1 minute ad and costs nothing. It usually brings at least one sale of something new.
To attract students to a studio, run an open day/enrollment day. Have the current workshop pieces on show and do door prizes.
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