September 21, 2007, Newsletter Issue #148: Crakling effects

Tip of the Week

Crackling effects are done with a cracking medium. The best results will come from having a good solid sealed surface underneath the medium. Apply the medium generously by laying it on rather than brushing it back and forth. You can also sponge it on. The thicker it is the bigger your cracks will be to some extent. This is more determined by the next layer of paint. Once the crackle is dry enough to recieve the next coat (check the manufacturers instructions) lay the top coat on. Again, avoid brushing back and forth unless you specifically want a result of cracks which are not deep and distinct. You can apply the top coat paint with a sponge. If you want the cracks running in a specific direction be sure to apply the top coat paint in that direction. I usually overload a big flat brush and lay the paint on thickly and unevenly. The results are pretty good but never look the same way twice! It is most important that you donīt brush back and forth as this interrupts the cracking process.

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