March 7, 2008, Newsletter Issue #172: Lace Border design

Tip of the Week

It is easy to design your own lace borders. For inspiration look at real lace and grab some examples. First, draw a grid on the surface using a compass and or ruler. Divide the space up evenly into segments and lines...squares or wedges. Begin painting one small step at a time. You will see some complex and intricate designs in painted lace, but they are mostly repetitive and begin with just one stroke. Lets say you want to start with a 1/2 circle line. So, between two points on the grid paint that half circle, then go to the next two points and paint that 1/2 circle. Donīt concern yourself yet with the cross hatching, three commas and dots you want to do. They come later. Complete the 1/2 circle all the way around till you come back to where you started. Now look at the next might be a left comma. So do all the left commas in that place on the grid. Continue all the way around. Now repeat the process with each single stroke element of the deign and before you know it you will have designed some lace of your own. And done it freehand!

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