January 29, 2010, Newsletter Issue #211: Read the labels

Tip of the Week

Reading the labels on your paint is vitally important. There are some world wide standards for health and safety you will see marked on paint bottles. CO and AP both certify a product to be non toxic, but the CP label gives a higher rating. The AP lable acknowledges that there are no quality and performance standards for that product: Take a look at this below drawn from

CP Certified Product Seal:
A product which is certified by ACMI to be non toxic as well as both properly labeled for toxicity and meets certain quality and performance standards.

AP Approved Product Seal:
A product, which has been certified by ACMI to be nontoxic and properly labeled for toxicity. ...They may receive an AP Seal if there are currently no performance standards for that product type.

The HL Health Label Seal (Caution Required):
A product which contains a material(s) in sufficient quantities that has the potential to cause an acute or chronic health hazard.

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